Nyanza: ActionAid Rwanda launches new ECD center to promote social justice
ActionAid Rwanda launches its fourth early childhood development center established in Nyanza district, Southern province to keep the momentum in providing young children with foundation in their education and allow parents enough time to attend to other income generating activities.
The ECD established at Kavumu Catholique school has 3 classrooms, 2 bedding rooms with beds where children shall sleep at their leisure time, playground with playing materials and washrooms.
During the launch, Josephine Irene Uwamariya, the country director of ActionAid Rwanda, highlights the major reasons for establishing this ECD in promoting a just and fair world.
“It is crucial to have this ECD completed and now it is serving the children, the future generation. Thinking of this ECD, we wanted to provide young children with foundation in their education through conducive environment, allow parents especially women enough time to attend to other income generating activities and promoting gender equality.” Said Josephine.
The parents commend ActionAid Rwanda’s activities in promoting quality education and social justice.
“We are happy for this early childhood development center as it is enhancing foundation education. At the time of primary school, our children will have acquired adequate skills unable them to perform well in the class. This is a boost to parents and country. As parents, we will benefit from this ECD through the skills and protection environment in which our children will be enjoying.” Said Emerita Mukandatenguha, one of the parents whose children studying at Kavumu Catholic School.
“We thank ActionAid Rwanda for providing us with this ECD. It is a conducive place for children which will improve the quality of education as the children will start from nursery and promoted to primary school with adequate skills. This ECD has sleeping rooms for children, thus the parents will also benefit by having enough time for other income generating activities knowing that their children are in a good and safe environment where she/he gets food, nice bed and caring from professionals.” Said Kirumugabo Jean de Dieu, the headmaster of Kavumu Catholic School.
Kajyambere Patrick, Vice Mayor in Nyanza district in charge of Economic Development encourages parents to enroll their children in ECD programs as the best way to protect them against child violence.
“There is a time when a parent leaves her/his child to the neighbors and go for shopping, by returning she/he finds out that the child has been abused and that is a violence. That is why we are calling other parents to embrace the ECD by bringing their children here as the safest and most favorable place where there is no risk resulting from irresponsibility of care givers.” Said Mayor Patrick.
Nyanza District has 12 early childhood development centers among them, 4 were sponsored by ActionAid Rwanda.