Women's Rights
Through different programmes, AAR addresses the structural causes of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) through working with women’s movements, groups and organizations to ensure equality for all with a special focus on women. We increase awareness for economic justice to end exploitive practices. This means increasing our advocacy strategies to more effectively hold corporate and government accountable for increased opportunities for women to engage more in productive work, conducive working conditions and freedom from violence and harassment.
By increasing women’s access and control over productive resources while ensuring protection of rights we will create the necessary preconditions to challenge the patriarchal structures that have historically kept women marginalized.
The following objective seeks to address structural VAWG and economic injustice:
AAR supports interventions aimed at mobilizing women and empowerment of women’s associations to lead advocacy for policy change thus working with women groups will help to cascade influence, AAR strengthens the capacity of Women Rights Organizations, women’s movements, networks and other allies to overcome the structural causes and consequences of poverty and injustice. We shift and transform power, through empowerment, solidarity, campaign and the generation of alternatives to ensure that women enjoy a life of dignity and are free from all forms of oppression. By 2023, we will be able to make greater advances in sustaining gender equality and equity by engaging decision makers at local, national, regional and continental levels.