Under the priorities above AAR will address the following specific focus issues; Address the structural causes of VAWG; Unpaid Care and Productive Work for women’s economic justice and Women and girls ‘participation in leadership and decision making positions and policy influence; Access to land, resilient livelihoods and food Security; Secure climate justice through Agro-ecology & sustainable environment and Access to market and financial services. It is worthy to mention also that AAR will address issues of Humanitarian and Emergencies under Priority Two while specific interventions around public services will be covered under priority One.
We identify People living in poverty and the Marginalized with a focus on women and girls as both our targets and agents of change. We recognize that fighting poverty and injustice requires collective participation of all communities, women movements, and other likeminded organizations. ActionAid Rwanda will ensure partnering and networking with various partner organizations, supporters through networks, coalitions and alliances for broadening support, voice and actions to strengthen the power of people living in poverty and exclusion.
ActionAid Rwanda will continue strengthening working with the vulnerable women, girls, youth and children; while reinforcing strong partnerships, networking and other working relations with various key strategic stakeholders and Partners including Communities, Community based Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, International Development Partners, Corporates, Media, Think-Tanks, Research and Academic Institutions in addition to other key duty bearers including the Government of Rwanda,
In order to achieve this strategy despite the ever changing global development context, AAR will instill in staff and partners a strong performance-based culture of confidence, transparency and accountability. The organizational effectiveness will be achieved through promoting strong leadership culture, retention of competent staff, enhanced performance-based culture, and effective communication, systems and processes. In all that we do, AAR is committed to nurturing uniquely vibrant relationships of trust and mutual transformation with partner communities and supporters.