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Learning my rights helped me rebuild a new future, Niyonsaba narrates

Vestine Niyonsaba, a resident of Ruheru sector is a widow, her husband died last year. She is a mother of four children and takes care of her two nephews, who currently live with her.

Niyonsaba had

Niyonsaba having a light moment with her son while sorting beans for dinner

Stephania: A Mega Business Owner who couldn’t afford Soap

Stephania Mukantwari is a 57-year-old Woman, and a mother of five children. She is a member of Abadahigwa Cooperative. She is a resident of Murundi sector, Karongi district. She joined the cooperative

Stephania shows off some of her artisan crockery pottery

Speak Out! Project; Empowering Girls to Know Their Rights

“I didn’t know I had rights. It was thrilling and exciting to learn about my rights and those of other children. I can now know and identify when my rights are being violated. If I get to see that

Girls at GS Nyarutovu school having a session,learning about their rights

Breaking the Silence through Speak Out! Project to address SRHR and GBV in Rwanda

Girls at one of the schools in Gisagara district learning from their Mentor about how to prevent and deal with issues related to sexual violence

School going girls in Gisagara district seated with their mentor who was teaching them about sexual reproductive and health rights

Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD’s); an intervention leading to the reduction of Unpaid Care Work (UCW) in Rwanda

Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD’s); an intervention leading to the reduction of Unpaid Care Work (UCW) in Rwanda

Mutegarugori with her daughter at Busasamana ECD

Eight years of a GBV-filled marriage, a life time of amplified happiness ahead

“We were famous in our neighborhood for mainly one thing-violence. I spent eight years of my marriage being beaten & bruised and I started retaliating by hurling insults back at my husband. Our home

Kanyamugenge and his wife,Nyirasafari cheerefully pose for a photo together

Civil Society Platforms present Budget Framework Concerns to Parliamentary Committee

The Civil Society platform organized by CLADHO submitted and presented their feedback and concerns regarding the Budget Framework Paper (BFP) 2018/2019 to the Parliamentary Budget Committee.

Esperance,one of the farmers,giving her remarks during the conference

Public Dialogues, a platform for Citizen Participation in Policy Formulation

Several public dialogues have been organized to discuss pertinent issues affecting society with the support of ActionAid Rwanda through the SCAB Project, funded by the European Union.

The national

A participant sharing his views during the Public Dialogue


“I traveled all the way from Shyingiro to come and have a say in my development. It is amazingly thrilling to see our leaders justifying themselves to us. I feel empowered. I feel like our leaders

Hillaria Mujawamungu,a farmer,presenting the community evaluation

Liberata’s new dawn after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi

Liberata Mukamana is 44 years old and a mother of five children. She lives with her grand child too, and another mother and her child, who she took in because they had nowhere to stay. She got married

Mukamana poses for a photo besides her kraal ready to feed her cattle