Gisagara District: Authorities laud ActionAid’s efforts to empower women and prevent GBV
Alex Nkizingabo Nkunda, Executive Secretary of Muganza Sector, Gisagara District of Southern Province says that there were many obstacles to the development of girls and women before the Speak Out

As most Rwandans are staying home to prevent the spread of Coronavirus pandemic, ActionAid Rwanda calls on Rwandan citizens to desist from domestic violence and reduce Women’s Unpaid Care Work burden
Young girls’ sessions on reproductive health shift from face-to-face sessions to radio sessions to prevent the spread of COVID-19
From 20th June to September 2020, ActionAid Rwanda in collaboration with Rwanda Girl Guides Association through Speak Out Project is organizing a weekly session on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
ActionAid Rwanda supports the Ministry of Health’s efforts to raise community awareness on COVID-19 prevention
From 14th March 2020 when the first case of COVID-19 was recorded in Rwanda, ActionAid Rwanda (AAR) in partnership with different partners undertook different community awareness raising activities on
Kwibuka 27: Actionaid Rwanda join Rwandans to commemorate genocide against Tutsi
Kwibuka 27: Actionaid Rwanda join Rwandans to commemorate genocide against Tutsi
Nyanza: ActionAid Rwanda launches new ECD center to promote social justice
Nyanza: ActionAid Rwanda launches new ECD center to promote social justice
Speak Out Project: Empower Girls for Better Health and Bright Future
On 29th July 2022 at Chez Landon Hotel in Kigali, happened AAR Speak Out Project Official Closure. The four-year project focused on Addressing Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and Gender Based

AAR organized a national policy dialogue on Unpaid Care Work On 27th September 2022, ActionAid
Rwanda organized a National Policy Dialogue on Unpaid Care Work & its impact on Women’s Economic Empowerment at Park Inn Hotel in Kigali
Visit of Mr. Dario Lo Cicero and Early Child Development Centre
Visit of Mr. Dario Lo Cicero and Early Child Development Centre
Awareness Raising on Unpaid Care Work for Media Houses
ActionAid Rwanda organized two capacity building and learning sessions for journalists to equip them with information and knowledge about unpaid care work and attract their interest to give publicity