ActionAid Rwanda Newsletter,January-May,2018
Welcome to another issue of the AA Rwanda Newsletter! We ended the year with lots of activities and began a new one too swamped with huge milestones as well. A few months ago, we celebrated 35 years
Under the priorities above AAR will address the following specific focus issues; Address the structural causes of VAWG; Unpaid Care and Productive Work for women’s economic justice and Women and girls
Under the priorities above AAR will address the following specific focus issues; Address the structural causes of VAWG; Unpaid Care and Productive Work for women’s economic justice and Women and girls
ActionAid Rwanda directors are responsible for preparation of the financial statements,compromising the statementof financial positionas at 31st December 2017,the statement of receipts and expenditure
Clarisse Kawera
From November 2019 to January 2021, Clarisse Kawera was a Communications Officer for ActionAid Rwanda
Learning my rights helped me rebuild a new future, Niyonsaba narrates
Vestine Niyonsaba, a resident of Ruheru sector is a widow, her husband died last year. She is a mother of four children and takes care of her two nephews, who currently live with her.
Niyonsaba had
Stephania: A Mega Business Owner who couldn’t afford Soap
Stephania Mukantwari is a 57-year-old Woman, and a mother of five children. She is a member of Abadahigwa Cooperative. She is a resident of Murundi sector, Karongi district. She joined the cooperative
Speak Out! Project; Empowering Girls to Know Their Rights
“I didn’t know I had rights. It was thrilling and exciting to learn about my rights and those of other children. I can now know and identify when my rights are being violated. If I get to see that
Breaking the Silence through Speak Out! Project to address SRHR and GBV in Rwanda
Girls at one of the schools in Gisagara district learning from their Mentor about how to prevent and deal with issues related to sexual violence
Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD’s); an intervention leading to the reduction of Unpaid Care Work (UCW) in Rwanda
Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD’s); an intervention leading to the reduction of Unpaid Care Work (UCW) in Rwanda